Students' Work > 7th & 8th Grade Work > Teacher Example: Typographic Self-Portrait
A project designed to be the first project of the semester to get acquainted with the students instead of handing out a generic survey. The lesson started out with defining what "Typographic" means breaking the word "typography" into "text" and "images". We discussed type and the manipulation of type in relation to graphic design. This lead into discussing letter presses and typesetting. I explained to the students different ways to manipulate type by hand (distributing examples of different kinds of typefaces and fonts). We practiced five different examples of manipulating a letter together.
We needed to create two different categories for the Typographic Self-Portrait: "text" and "images". The students then were to create three different lists in their sketch books. One set of lists were to be positive and negative characteristics the students thought about themselves. Because adjectives are more difficult to draw, these words were going to be the "text" for each student's portrait. The third list was going to be the student's hobbies and/or interests. This list was going to be the material for the students to draw pictures of these around their name and around their text.
In monitoring the students during the duration of this project, I learned more about each student then I could have ever imagined.